Pastor Rick & Sandy Harrison
Meet Pastor Rick Harrison and his wife, Sandy. Pastor Rick is an ordained minister of the Gospel and has served churches in MO, AR, KS, PA and NJ. For the past 15 years, by the grace of God, Pastor Rick and Sandy have had the joy and privilege of pastoring Living Word Fellowship in Washington, NJ. They are excited to see God’s guidance and anointing and are looking forward to being able to further expand the ministry of LWF during these challenging times. They have four children, nine grandchildren and enjoy gardening, biking, reading, hunting and cooking.
Something To Think About:
I Just Want To Fit In!
The desire to “fit in”, “to belong”, “to be just like” or to be “accepted” has a powerful draw and hold on many within our society. I have noticed this powerful draw extending its reach inside the church. At times it is rather difficult to distinguish between those that follow God and those that do not follow His ways. The desire to “fit in” is not new or novel to our generation. It is an age-old desire and a tactic of the enemy. It was this tactic that was used against the nation of Israel. Israel, thus, rejected God and asked for a king. We read of this in I Samuel 8:19-20, “But the people refused to listen to Samuel. ‘No!’ they said. ‘We want a king over us. Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles.’” They got their wish and immediately began to forsake the ways of God and eventually turned completely away from Him. It is inevitable – the more we try to “fit in” with the ways of the ungodly the more ungodly we will become.
The Apostle Paul encouraged the believers in the 1st century church with the following words: Romans 12:2, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Do not conform…to the pattern of this world… In other words, don’t just “fit in” or go along with the crowd when it comes to the ways of the world. Christians are called to live differently, to live by a different standard, a higher standard – the Word of God. Each and every day Christians rub shoulders with many that do not know the ways of God. Rather than following the pattern of the ungodly, determine to be a witness for God. Live life in a way that people are drawn to God.
Are we following the pattern of the world or the pattern of Jesus Christ? The answer will reveal whether we are conforming or being transformed. This transformation occurs by a renewing of our mind – the way we think. To have our minds renewed we need to spend time with God; in prayer, in reading and studying the Bible and by being part of a church where the Bible is considered the Word of God. It is after we have been transformed that we are able to know more of the will of God.
Something To Think About:
I Just Want To Fit In!
The desire to “fit in”, “to belong”, “to be just like” or to be “accepted” has a powerful draw and hold on many within our society. I have noticed this powerful draw extending its reach inside the church. At times it is rather difficult to distinguish between those that follow God and those that do not follow His ways. The desire to “fit in” is not new or novel to our generation. It is an age-old desire and a tactic of the enemy. It was this tactic that was used against the nation of Israel. Israel, thus, rejected God and asked for a king. We read of this in I Samuel 8:19-20, “But the people refused to listen to Samuel. ‘No!’ they said. ‘We want a king over us. Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles.’” They got their wish and immediately began to forsake the ways of God and eventually turned completely away from Him. It is inevitable – the more we try to “fit in” with the ways of the ungodly the more ungodly we will become.
The Apostle Paul encouraged the believers in the 1st century church with the following words: Romans 12:2, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Do not conform…to the pattern of this world… In other words, don’t just “fit in” or go along with the crowd when it comes to the ways of the world. Christians are called to live differently, to live by a different standard, a higher standard – the Word of God. Each and every day Christians rub shoulders with many that do not know the ways of God. Rather than following the pattern of the ungodly, determine to be a witness for God. Live life in a way that people are drawn to God.
Are we following the pattern of the world or the pattern of Jesus Christ? The answer will reveal whether we are conforming or being transformed. This transformation occurs by a renewing of our mind – the way we think. To have our minds renewed we need to spend time with God; in prayer, in reading and studying the Bible and by being part of a church where the Bible is considered the Word of God. It is after we have been transformed that we are able to know more of the will of God.
Something To Think About:
I Just Want To Fit In!
The desire to “fit in”, “to belong”, “to be just like” or to be “accepted” has a powerful draw and hold on many within our society. I have noticed this powerful draw extending its reach inside the church. At times it is rather difficult to distinguish between those that follow God and those that do not follow His ways. The desire to “fit in” is not new or novel to our generation. It is an age-old desire and a tactic of the enemy. It was this tactic that was used against the nation of Israel. Israel, thus, rejected God and asked for a king. We read of this in I Samuel 8:19-20, “But the people refused to listen to Samuel. ‘No!’ they said. ‘We want a king over us. Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles.’” They got their wish and immediately began to forsake the ways of God and eventually turned completely away from Him. It is inevitable – the more we try to “fit in” with the ways of the ungodly the more ungodly we will become.
The Apostle Paul encouraged the believers in the 1st century church with the following words: Romans 12:2, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Do not conform…to the pattern of this world… In other words, don’t just “fit in” or go along with the crowd when it comes to the ways of the world. Christians are called to live differently, to live by a different standard, a higher standard – the Word of God. Each and every day Christians rub shoulders with many that do not know the ways of God. Rather than following the pattern of the ungodly, determine to be a witness for God. Live life in a way that people are drawn to God.
Are we following the pattern of the world or the pattern of Jesus Christ? The answer will reveal whether we are conforming or being transformed. This transformation occurs by a renewing of our mind – the way we think. To have our minds renewed we need to spend time with God; in prayer, in reading and studying the Bible and by being part of a church where the Bible is considered the Word of God. It is after we have been transformed that we are able to know more of the will of God.